Ikea will soon serve vegetarian and chicken versions of its Swedishmeatballs
On 2014-04-23 11:28 PM, Jeßus wrote:
> I guess I have a bit of philosophical problem with the vegetarian
> alternatives to meat... I'm not sure what kind of message it sends -
> something like: 'yes, meat is bad, but here's something masquerading
> as beef, chicken or duck'. Why not just call it something else more
> along the lines of what it actually is?
I agree. There are all sorts of protein rich alternatives to meat. I
have eaten in vegetarian Indian restaurants where they used various
legumes in rich, spicy sauces that were delicious. They did not see any
reason to pass it off as some sort of mock meat. I have had vegetarians
trying to foist mock meat products on me. I have been told about veggie
dogs and veggie burgers that are just like hot dogs and hamburgers.
Well, they aren't just like real hamburgers and hot dogs. They are like
crappy burgers and dogs. Real hamburgers and hotdogs taste like real
hamburgers and hotdogs, and if they want something that tastes like real
hamburger.....eat meat.