Ikea will soon serve vegetarian and chicken versions of its Swedish meatballs
Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
> On 4/23/2014 6:39 PM, Oregonian Haruspex wrote:
>> They were *caught* doing this, which makes one wonder what other stunts
>> they pulled which were not detected. I don't care if Ikea was serving
>> tainted meat on Mars, any incident like this is a warning. I also know
>> that ultimately the blame was placed on a number of unscrupulous
>> intermediaries and processors, but one wonders - what was Ikea doing
>> dealing with such low-grade, dishonest vendors?
>> Sorry. You enjoy your possibly tainted and / or adulterated food
>> products. I won't be partaking. If I need swedish meatballs I will
>> make them myself, with meat that I know is not tainted and / or
>> adulterated.
> No, the were not caught. Ikea did not do this but it was in the supply
> chain. Do you buy ground beef or eat burgers at a restaurant? Good
> chance you've had horsemeat.
Yes they were caught. If the meatballs come from Ikea, Ikea is ultimately
responsible for them. I suppose it never occurred to the geniuses at Ikea
that this amazingly inexpensive new supplier wash cheaper for a sinister
and foul reason?
I almost never eat ground beef. It is likely to be garbage meat, and there
is no reliable way to determine if I am eating pink slime or not. Too