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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default Ikea will soon serve vegetarian and chicken versions of its Swedish meatballs

On Thu, 24 Apr 2014 14:00:05 +1000, John J > wrote:

>On Thu, 24 Apr 2014 13:28:02 +1000, Jeßus > wrote:
>>No, definitely not good... it was made out of that textured vegetable

>Maybe with a whole lot of garlic and chilli spice, but then you could
>just as well use zucchini, mushroom etc. as the base.

Yep, no reason why not.

>>>>Speaking of duck, it's high time I made some duck with orange sauce...
>>>I think the vegetarian duck was one of these items:
>>>< in_description=1&keyword=duck>

>>"Made mainly from wheat protein and shaped into gluten steaks". I'd be
>>surprised if I would enjoy those, I know my body wouldn't like the
>>wheat/gluten. But no seriously bad ingredients in there which is a
>>nice change.

>Yes, it's clearly not for the gluten intolerant.
>>I guess I have a bit of philosophical problem with the vegetarian
>>alternatives to meat... I'm not sure what kind of message it sends -
>>something like: 'yes, meat is bad, but here's something masquerading
>>as beef, chicken or duck'. Why not just call it something else more
>>along the lines of what it actually is?

>'Mock duck' isn't a bad description and gets my attention more than
>'wheat protein' or 'gluten steaks'

Ah yes, but which one is more honest?