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Michel Boucher[_3_] Michel Boucher[_3_] is offline
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Default Ikea will soon serve vegetarian and chicken versions of its Swedish meatballs

Oregonian Haruspex > wrote in

>>> You can buy a piece of round at a butcher shop and ask them
>>> to grind it for you.

>> That makes too much sense.

> Heck, why not just do like most of the idiots out there and
> buy the ground beef that comes in an opaque tube with a photo
> of ground beef on the outside?

Are you suggesting that getting it from the butcher and having them
grind it for you fresh is the same as buying mystery meat in a



Socialism never took root in America because the
poor there see themselves not as an exploited
proletariat but as temporarily embarassed
millionaires. - John Steinbeck