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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default Whole Vanilla Beans in Ice Cream

On Thu, 24 Apr 2014 21:34:31 -0400, "Steve Freides" >

>Jeßus wrote:
>> On Thu, 24 Apr 2014 09:03:35 -0400, "Steve Freides" >
>> wrote:
>>> Jeßus wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 23 Apr 2014 19:11:26 -0400, "Steve Freides" >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> My wife and I are debating this one. We have a pile of vanilla
>>>>> beans that have been soaking in a bottle of Jim Beam (bourbon) for
>>>>> months while giving up much of their goodness for my homemade
>>>>> vanilla syrup.
>>>>> The question is whether or not these beans, pulverized in the food
>>>>> processor, could be used that way in homemade vanilla ice cream, or
>>>>> rather need to be opened up and the good stuff in the middle
>>>>> removed and the pod discarded.
>>>> My feeling is that the pods may still be a little chewy and not be
>>>> sufficiently broken down enough.
>>>> We made about 3 litres of vanilla essence about 3 years ago, I still
>>>> have over a litre left. Well worth the effort as its every bit as
>>>> good (if not better) than any vanilla essence I've bought. If
>>>> you're really keen (and patient, like a few months patient), I'd
>>>> use the pods to make an essence and then use that in your ice
>>>> cream... then again, you could simply strain the pods out of your
>>>> bourbon, as although the pods are whole, the bourbon should have
>>>> plenty of vanilla flavour by now.
>>>>> If anyone has actually tried this themselves, that's what I'd
>>>>> really like to hear about. Of course, you're welcomed to theorize
>>>>> about it, too.
>>>> I guess that's what I did above
>>> I'm not sure how you're using "essence" here - how's that different
>>> from an "extract",

>> They are both one and the same thing.
>>> which is what I think we created by soaking the beans in
>>> bourbon - the bourbon is what I use as a replacement for store-bought
>>> vanilla extract.

>> It is, I'll have to try making a small batch with some bourbon instead
>> of moonshine one day... sounds really good.

>We just made the custard - it's in the refrigerator, and we'll put it in
>the ice cream maker tomorrow evening. We elected to use the entire pod
>then strain it out, hopefully the best of both worlds.

Looking forward to hearing the results!