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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Raisins continued (not a rant)

On 2014-04-27 5:09 PM, Kalmia wrote:

>> We had them here. Made by Sunshine Biscuit Company. I have not
>> seen
>> them in many years but there were among my favorites as a child.

> I used to love those flat raisin cookies which were perforated into
> squares - do they make those anymore? Can't even think of the name,
> but they weren't sicky sweet, so my mother 'allowed' them.

That is them Kalmia.... Sunshine Biscuit Company's Sulatanas. At least,
that is what I remember. The came in a package stacked about 6 high and
each one was perforated to be snapped into 5 or 6 pieces.

On a related note..... there was another type of cookie that we loved as
kids but I have not seen for many years. They were round or slightly
oval and had a hard icing on top. They came a long, rectangular package
and they had different colour icing and trim. They were a very
expensive treat. We rarely had any kind of commercially made cookies
because my mother was a great baker.

Back to raisins.... I used to love raisin squares or raisin pies. My
mother made them frequently, and with six of us in the family that
worked out well. My wife is slim because she avoids stuff like that. I
don't dare make a batch for myself. Once in a while they make a nice
treat if you see them in a bakery.