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Steve Freides[_2_] Steve Freides[_2_] is offline
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Default info on lactose-free

Janet Wilder wrote:
> Have been tasked with preparing 3 dishes for our RV rally next week.
> One of the gals is lactose intolerant so we dry to respect that when
> we make stuff.
> Two of the deserts I have to make have cream cheese in them. Is
> there a lactose-free cream cheese or is there not enough lactose in
> cream cheese to bother her.
> I am also making a big pan of migas and I like to put half and half in
> the eggs before scrambling. It would be about 1/2 cup in 16 eggs.
> There will be diced red and green peppers, onions tomato and jalapeno
> in the egg mix. Would that small amount of half and half be a
> problem or should I look for a non-dairy creamer?
> Low carb, I am familiar with, not with lactose intolerant.
> Could use some help from someone with experience.

I found this by looking at Google for "lactose-free dairy UK" and it
looks like they have a full product line, including cheeses.
