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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default Perfect green beans!

"Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
> On 5/1/2014 10:20 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
>>> On 4/30/2014 10:25 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
>>>>> Perhaps you are used to over-cooked fresh peas. Canned peas are an
>>>>> off-color mush as far as I'm concerned.
>>>> Some are mushier than others. I opened a can tonight. They are the
>>>> Winco brand so cheap, but the are more firm than some canned peas.
>>>> I always wondered what the difference was between canned peas and
>>>> canned
>>>> mushy peas. I don't think I can get mushy peas here unless I mail
>>>> order
>>>> them. And I'm not that interested to want to pay the shipping to
>>>> find out.
>>> If you mean the mushy peas that are served in the UK in fish and chips
>>> stores, I think they are a different variety of pea. Marrow peas, I
>>> believe are the basis of mushy peas. The kind of peas we get here in
>>> cans or frozen are sweet peas.

>> Yes, they are marrowfat peas.

> While I thoroughly enjoy good fish and chips, I pass on the mushy peas.
> :-)

I like them but only occasionally and they must have plenty of malt vinegar
on them
