American foods that foreigners don't like.
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American foods that foreigners don't like.
In article >,
> > However, Registered Dieticians are properly trained but people calling
> > themselves "nutritionists" are usually, if not always quacks and are not
> > to be trusted!
> > Graham
> That's true too. I cringe when people say that they saw a nutritionist.
> However, I do know of a good nutritionist. She doesn't so much tell you
> specifically what to eat but more looks at the diet you are eating, tells
> you what you are lacking in terms of vitamins, minerals, protein, etc., ways
> you can change that and perhaps tells you of things you should look at
> giving up.
Well that's a step up from your pet psychic and that fake fraudster
"hair analyst" in the UK whose "scientific" diagnoses you used to cite.
Janet UK
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