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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default What's your favorite cut of steak?

On Thursday, May 1, 2014 3:19:28 PM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
> And why? Not being a steak lover myself (although I was as a child), I
> never know what kind to buy. I know that the NY steaks from Central Market
> at $22.99 per pound are very good but they're so expensive, I will only buy
> them for special occasions. They had some grass fed top round (I think that
> was what it was) on sale for $8.49 (reg $8.99) so I just bought that. I had
> asked for 4 but when I realized how huge they were, I only got three. When
> I saw them in the case, each one had sort of a little division of fat down
> the middle so I assumed each one was two steaks. Wrong! These were very
> juicy though and look like they would be good.
> It would seem that they have changed the names of some of the steaks from
> back when I used to eat them. I am familiar with Spencer, T Bone and Fillet
> Mignon but I didn't see any of those. They may well have been there but I
> missed them. My mind just of went blank when looking at the meat. Then I
> saw the sale sign and just too that.

Your problem is that you're not into meat. You're never going to be able to cook a steak properly if you don't love meat. If you like your steaks well done, forget about steaks and go for pot roasts. I'm not much into meat either.