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Janet Wilder[_4_] Janet Wilder[_4_] is offline
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Default How to render chicken fat?

On 5/3/2014 3:32 AM, Alan Holbrook wrote:
> sf > wrote in news:skq8m9dpk9m45u76vi8f79d22dte4jodra@
>> I've done it different ways, but tonight I tried doing it in a tall
>> narrow pot with the cover on... oh, yes - that's the way to do it.
>> I'm at the point where it's just bubbling (making a lot of noise, not
>> changing color), so it's seems to be done rendering but is it?
>> My other experiments have been uncovered and have given me chicken
>> "chicharones" as a by-product, but half the time the fat is way too
>> brown. Does anyone with REAL experience with this have advice to
>> share??
>> The purpose of rendering all this chicken fat is to augment duck fat
>> when I try making duck confit. TIA

> Where do you get enough chicken fat to render these days? The packaged
> chicken in supermarkets is pretty well trimmed, and whenever I go to a
> butcher shop and ask them to save me some, they always take my phone
> number, promise to call when they have a pound or two, and then I never
> hear from them.

I buy whole chickens and there is plenty around the cavity. Also, I
trim any from chicken breasts. I just pop whatever I've gleaned into
the freezer and, twice a year, I render it. The stuff that's already
rendered keeps forever in a covered container in my fridge.

Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.

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