Thread: Jill
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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Jill

On Sat, 3 May 2014 17:42:23 +0000 (UTC), "Winters_Lackey"
> wrote:

>> This guy is not interested in getting married or even dating much as
>> it costs too much. He is not *** either, but he owns a house, decent
>> car, and it not going to put himself in a situation where he could
>> lose half of it if things don't work out. I also know something about
>> his fiscal situation as I've done his taxes for him for many years.

>God, I can't imagine, being someone at the opposite end of the spectrum.
>I'd rather live in a dirt-floored hovel and eat cheap hot dogs on Wonder
>bread than not have romance and sex. I'd easily give up my car. ****, I'd
>even give up beer. A morning without partner sex is a morning that didn't
>begin the day well.

He does know what that thing looks like, he's watched movies. Not
sure if he buys hand lotion by the gallon though.