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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default store brand sugar

On 5/3/2014 8:46 AM, sf wrote:
> I just realized the store brand bag of granulated sugar I bought a
> while ago says "pure cane" on the label. I am a purist, not a vegan,
> and beet sugar or the possibility of beet sugar just plain sits wrong
> with me. So, now I have two products I will go to that store (chain)
> specifically to buy: American lamb and store brand cane sugar.
> I make it a twofer and shop at there when I go to Smart & Final (aka:
> Cash & Carry). Smart & Final is the only place I've found in my area
> that sells Sara Lee English muffins and they also have decent sized
> jars of multi-colored whole peppercorns at a price that isn't heart
> stopping. Besides, it's fun to poke around and impulse shop.

I don't have any particular feelings about white sugar - they all look
alike to me. OTOH, Star Bakery English muffin is the best store bought
EM I ever had. The Costco over here sells a variety pack of 3 for under
7 bucks. What a deal! It has 6 regular muffins and 6 poi muffins and 6
whole wheat. My favorite is the regular and the poi is second. The poi
muffin is made from sour poi and is a curious purple in color. I don't
care for whole wheat muffins. My recommendation is that you pick up this
great product whenever you get the chance.