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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default OT Need science help, cat!

On Sat, 03 May 2014 11:17:36 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>"Jeßus" wrote:
>> Lucy is purring away in my lap. It's slow going typing with one
>> hand though

>Right now, Mia (my ferret) is sleeping in the sleeve of my old, ragged
>sweatshirt that I wear around the house. She loves sleeping in a
>hammock plus she loves human contact. This sleeve solves both issues.
>She often sleeps there at night when I'm using the computer.
>She sleeps in the elbow part of my old sweatshirts. If she has to use
>the bathroom or is just awake and wants to play she will craw out to
>the opening by my wrist.... Here's two different pics of her coming
>out of the sleeves for air. heheh

Heh, she looks cute. A lot more practical and convenient than a big
cat in your lap or blocking the screen