Thread: Barbecue beans?
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default The Mad Walmart Turbin Broomer

On 2014-05-04 4:21 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:

> The only times I've seen anyone cleaning a floor at the Walmarts I've
> been to is when there's been a spill/breakage, and then they cordon
> off that entire area... otherwise the floors are cleaned and buffed
> while the stores are closed to shoppers... it's the same at other
> retailers. I've never seen anyone going up and down the aisles
> pushing a broom.

I see it all the time. At the Sobey's in our town there is a woman who
is always out there cleaning. I see her almost every time I am there.
She walks around with a broom and dust pan or pushing a bucket of mop
water. The bigger stores have a machine, and it is pretty much a full
time job doing the floors.