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Default Drinking for dummies

Adam Schwartz wrote:
> Like most people, I enjoy an occasional drink. However, I do almost all
> of my drinking at home with my fiance. I rarely frequent bars, and I rarely
> drink with anyone who knows anything about drinking. Thus, I do not know
> the most appropriate way to enjoy various alcoholic beverages. I have the
> following in my liqour cabinet:
> Seagrams Extra Dry Gin
> E&J Brandy
> Bacardi Gold Rum
> Southern Comfort
> What are the best ways to enjoy these beverages? What cocktails can be made
> from them. I have limes and some frozen fruit juice I can use as well.
> Mostly I've just been taking shots of the various spirits, but I'd like a
> more appealling way to reduce my sobriety.
> Thanks,
> Adam

I like gin mixed with Fresca.

Lately I've been experimenting with making hurricanes from rum, some
hibiscus syrup that I made (it was supposed to be jelly), and key lime
juice. Over ice in a tall glass.

E&J makes several different brandies. The VSOP is good for sipping.

Southern Comfort oughtta be good for basting fruitcakes.

Best regards,