Thread: Barbecue beans?
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DreadfulBitch DreadfulBitch is offline
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Default The Mad Walmart Turbin Broomer

On 5/4/2014 3:37 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> I've been in many stores where they were sweeping. In this case I am
> pretty sure that this guy would do that to anyone who is in the aisle.
> He seems to think it is his duty to sweep as quickly as possible and he
> is hell bent on getting it done, regardless of anything or anyone who
> may be in his way.

A lot of the people in the custodial departments of all kinds of stores
& businesses are mentally and/or emotionally handicapped. In a lot of
cases they can be very single minded. I have a great deal of respect
for those people and their joy (most of the time) at having a job in the
public sector. Some consideration, a smile and a "thank you" would make
their day.


I'm a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I'm perfect.