Thread: Barbecue beans?
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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default The Mad Walmart Turbin Broomer

On Mon, 05 May 2014 16:22:27 -0400, Brooklyn1
> wrote:

>Jeßus wrote:
>>dsi1 wrote:
>>>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>> Especially those who don't post pictures,,, the Bovine never posts
>>>> pictures, I don't believe anything she says, NOTHING!
>>>Most unusual, this would be the first newsgroup around that requires
>>>photographic verification. Brilliant - I like it!

>Not required, but when people tell far fetched tales they would be a
>lot more believeable with something to back them up, especially as
>many Twilight Zone escapades as Julie tells.

I guess you forgot that you posted this, barely two weeks ago:

"Message-ID: >
Jesus wrote:
>LOL. At least that would be a tad more logical than Julie's reasoning.
>These threads of hers amaze me sometimes

Your posts are ten times more worthless, Haysus... if you died tonight
no one at RFC would honor your passing with so much as a small fart,
no one would remember you"

How do you reconcile these two contradictory points of view that you
appear to have on the issue of Julie's postings?

Don't worry, it's merely a rhetorical question, and I'm not expecting
a sensible answer.