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Oregonian Haruspex Oregonian Haruspex is offline
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Posts: 519
Default Suitable Sauce for this Occasion

Dave Smith > wrote:
>Needless to say, when the parents go to visit the vegetarians there is no
> reciprocal accommodation. If the parents >want meat they have to go to
> a restaurant. They get to eat meat while the vegetarians have their fare
> , and the parents >get stuck with the bill.

I hear ya. Whenever I go over to my Muslim buddy's house I always bitch
and moan about his inability to serve me some bacon and ham. And when I
visit my Hindu friend I can't believe that she won't offer me beef. And
don't get me started on the Jews - where's my fried rice with pork and
shrimp? What a pain in the ass!

I'm sure the poor parents you mentioned would drop quite dead if they were
not able to eat meat for a few days. How can people be so cruel to their
poor parents?