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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default PETA's bid for turkey memorial in Utah denied

On 2014-05-06 3:35 PM, Moe DeLoughan wrote:

> The family claimed the cat was collared, but it had a habit of slipping
> its collar, and it had escaped outdoors. As for being unneutered, they
> said they just hadn't taken it to the vet to be fixed yet.

Shit happens. My dog has slipped his regular collar and got free. He has
also broken choke chains and spiked training collars. It all happened
within one week. First it was the choke chain, then a training collar
and then a second training collar. The first time I was talking to my
neighbour with the dog on a leash. Another neighbour came by walking her
two dogs. Sonny barked, reared, leapt, and I was standing there holding
a leash and a broken choke chain.

Most of the people who I have dealt with at the local Humane Societies
are morons. One of them comes around to sell license... so I had to
start buying them. Then there is the woman around the corner who worked
there and was admiring my dog and asked what breed he was. The dog was a
pure bred Labrador Retriever. We had had a Bouvier des Flandres, a
Groenendahl and Malinois. I can understand people not identifying those
breeds, but Labs are the single most popular dog in North America. I
don't know how someone could work with dogs and cats and not recognize a