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Default DNA Testing of Meat For Sale?

On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 7:12:22 PM UTC-4, Oregonian Haruspex wrote:
> Dave Smith > wrote:
> > On 2014-05-06 5:49 PM, Oregonian Haruspex wrote:

> >> "Pete C." > wrote:

> >>

> >>> And you have citations to peer reviewed science that attributes any of

> >>> the obesity epidemic to hormones, steroids or antibiotics used in food

> >>> animals?

> >>

> >> Why is it that people who demand "peer reviewed science" never seem to

> >> proffer it first?

> >

> > Funny how that works, eh. The corollary to that is that those who are

> > quick to accuse others of lying are usually the same people who lie. They

> > know that they do it, so they assume that everyone else does too.

> >

> > It is also interesting to see what "peer reviewed" really means and how

> > it works in real life. Businesses have few problems finding people to

> > stick their names on articles written by writers.

> I would wager most people have no idea what "peer reviewed science" really
> means other than knowing that they should put a religious-grade belief in
> anything that happens to be peer reviewed. Nowadays peer review is a tool
> that the state can use to justify actions it wanted to take, a tool for big
> pharma and big ag to shove more magic poisons down our gullets, and I could
> go on but it seems pointless. People will believe what they wish, whether
> their religion is based on magical characters or the scientific
> priesthood.

You're a real half-wit.