Thread: Unknown callers
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Unknown callers

"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Cheryl" > wrote in message
>> On 5/5/2014 3:11 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> It is interesting when they say they are calling from "your internet
>>> provider" and you ask which one and they can't even tell you the name.
>>> Some have told me that they are calling from MicroSoft. I ask them which
>>> computer they are calling about and say that I have 4 or 5.

>> I've never had the Microsoft call, but a co-worker has. We're in IT and
>> he screws with them when they call because they are clearly clueless
>> about what they're calling about.

> Yes, we have noticed that too Ask a couple of questions and they are
> floundering! If they want to scan us, at least they could used some
> techie competent callers

I kept one on the phone for a very long time. Long enough to call my bro
who doesn't technically work for Microsoft but has done some things for them
in the past. The guy stayed on the phone even after I told him I had
reported him (and I did) to whoever it was that my bro said to report him