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Moe DeLoughan[_2_] Moe DeLoughan[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 685
Default Suitable Sauce for this Occasion

On 5/6/2014 10:54 PM, Cheryl wrote:

> If it's only for a short visit I don't think
> that would be a problem, and I'd love to learn how others eat when on
> a restricted diet, even if it's by choice or religion.

You needn't go far to find fussy eaters to cater to. Just befriend a
family with elementary school-aged kids, and you can learn how to feed
them while avoiding everything that the kids turn up their noses at.

The people who are genuine with regards to their dietary restrictions
tend not to make a public display over them. You can tell when it's
attention seeking behavior instead of principle or medical necessity
when they go on and on and on and on about it. If they criticize you
for failing to acknowledge their requirements, that's the second clue.
The trifecta is when they eat something that should be forbidden, but
they have a ridiculous rationalization for making the exception. OR
vice-versa: when they refuse to eat something that's a major component
of their diet. In the example of my houseguest, he called himself a
vegan, but he absolutely refused to eat *any* type of fruit or
vegetable in any form. He told me the only food he normally ate was
pancakes. He also constantly complained of ill health. When I
suggested his diet was most likely a factor, he flared up at me. As
long as he called it veganism, it was lofty and thus above criticism
or reproach. In his case, calling it an eating disorder would've been
more accurate.