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Stands With Fist Stands With Fist is offline
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Default Canadian Chopped

On Friday, May 9, 2014 12:34:13 AM UTC-4, Julie Bove wrote:
> I have seen a few episodes of this and it would seem that the chefs they
> have on there are not very creative at all. One of the basket ingredients
> was croissants on the episode that is airing now. Three made croutons and
> the other one breaded the chicken with them. These to me would be the most
> obvious choices. There were also quail eggs which they merely cooked.
> Either fried or hard boiled.
> Does this make a statement about Canadian cuisine? Or are they just picking
> boring chefs?

Canada is a multicultural country. To make Canadian cuisine, you would need to cook Musk Ox, Seal, Arctic Hare, Salmon etc. The Newfies make seal flipper pie, the Frenchies make poutine, tortierre, pea soup. Swiss Chalet is a Canadian chain of restaurants serving rotisserie chicken and ribs(and a bit of other stuff). The average restaurant in Canada does not do Canadian cuisine.
I was raised on German - Hungarian food. We also did stuff over charcoal in the warmer months i.e. pigtails, steaks, hamburgers. Now there is more cuisine diversity because more asians are immigrating.
If you wish to go more upscale, you'll find food such as elk on the menu.