Thread: ping Jeßus
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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default ping Jeßus

"Jeßus" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 10 May 2014 23:15:53 +0100, "Ophelia"
> > wrote:
>>Did you get a chance to try Sheila's Beef Burgundy recipe yet?

> No, not as yet... it might take me a while to get some chuck steak.
>>This is more or less what I wrote to her after I had tried it:
>>I made it (with modifications), and it turned out really well and we
>>I ended up using silverside because it was the only one I could see which
>>least had some fat running through it. Smoked gammon because I couldn't
>>thick pieces of smoked bacon and small shallots because the onions in the
>>recipe were not available.

> That would be just as nice...
>>The only other modification I made was to the wine. From experience I
>>found that using only wide is too strong for us so I used half red wine
>>half stock!

> Well done I might try your stock idea too.

It's the only way it works for us. BTW do you have any problems buying meat
that is not excessively lean? When I am in North Yorks I always use a good
butcher and ask for my meat 'not too lean' He tells me I am very unusual
asking for that
