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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default Suitable Sauce for this Occasion

"Cheryl" > wrote in message
> On 5/7/2014 3:45 PM, Moe DeLoughan wrote:
>> On 5/6/2014 10:54 PM, Cheryl wrote:
>>> If it's only for a short visit I don't think
>>> that would be a problem, and I'd love to learn how others eat when on
>>> a restricted diet, even if it's by choice or religion.

>> You needn't go far to find fussy eaters to cater to. Just befriend a
>> family with elementary school-aged kids, and you can learn how to feed
>> them while avoiding everything that the kids turn up their noses at.
>> The people who are genuine with regards to their dietary restrictions
>> tend not to make a public display over them. You can tell when it's
>> attention seeking behavior instead of principle or medical necessity
>> when they go on and on and on and on about it. If they criticize you for
>> failing to acknowledge their requirements, that's the second clue. The
>> trifecta is when they eat something that should be forbidden, but they
>> have a ridiculous rationalization for making the exception. OR
>> vice-versa: when they refuse to eat something that's a major component
>> of their diet. In the example of my houseguest, he called himself a
>> vegan, but he absolutely refused to eat *any* type of fruit or vegetable
>> in any form. He told me the only food he normally ate was pancakes. He
>> also constantly complained of ill health. When I suggested his diet was
>> most likely a factor, he flared up at me. As long as he called it
>> veganism, it was lofty and thus above criticism or reproach. In his
>> case, calling it an eating disorder would've been more accurate.

> As for making a public display, I have a niece who is vegetarian and I can
> remember one time when they were moving, I brought over pizza and forgot
> to get one that was just cheese. She was so upset with me. Granted, she
> was young at the time, around 10, and given to bratty attacks. She's been
> vegetarian ever since her class went to some farm and they learned about
> animals being slaughtered for food. She was probably 8 years old at the
> time, but her heart is still in it to this day. She's 14 now. I never
> forget to make sure there's something for her when I provide food for
> whatever reason.

She has trained you well <g>
