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Default where to put the water pan in a weber kettle grill?

>"kobalt" wrote:

>I'm perfectly aware the water has an impact on temperature in the cooker.
>I'm also aware it shields the food from direct heat from the charcoal. But
>that can't be all that it does.

In my experience, that is all it does. Moisture in the cooking chamber adds no
moisture to the meat, nor does it reduce moisture extracted from the meat in
the cooking process.
As many have pointed out, here and elsewhere, one can boil a piece of meat and
and end up with a dried out piece of crap. But that is a very moist cooking
What do you think happened to that boiling water?
Did it bypass the meat?
I run my WSM w/o a waterpan 98% of the time. When I do use the pan, it is dry,
and only used as a heat deflector.
I love barbecue, but I'm not too big on steamed meat.
My $.02
