Breakfast for Dinner
On 2014-05-12 5:32 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> I don't differenciate what kind of food constitutes breakfast, I can
> eat a cold roastbeef sandwich for breakfast as well as cold left over
> Chinese food, as cold left over pizza.
My oldest brother was like that. He would eat leftover dinner for
breakfast. He especially liked leftover spaghetti, and I have to say
that my mother's spaghetti was not very good, which is why there was
usually leftovers. He also had dessert with his breakfast. It always
bothered me that he could eat so much and not put on excess weight.
> I never think of bacon with
> fried eggs as a traditional breakfast, actually I despise bacon, I
> think bacon is the most reviling disgusting thing to eat,
Fried foods for breakfast always made my day go badly. I suspect that I
had a gall bladder problem for a long time before it finally had to come
out. Frying is not my preferred way to have eggs. I confess to frying
them for convenience. I would prefer to have them poached. I would
suggest that bacon quality varies a lot. I get all my bacon from the
local Dutch butcher and he smokes it himself. His bacon always has a
nice blend of fat and lean. Since it is cured the old fashioned way, not
injected with liquid, it does not shrivel into nothing when cooked.
> I'd rather
> franks and beans for brerakfast. I'll often have a fritatta for
> breakfast... actually I don't eat breakfast, I prefer to wait until
> after 10 AM and have brunch.
I like to eat soon after waking up, either porridge or cereal and fresh