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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default Trying a new sweetener...

On Tue, 13 May 2014 01:40:55 +0000 (UTC), "Winters_Lackey"
> wrote:

>John Kuthe > wrote in
>> On Mon, 12 May 2014 18:46:05 +0000 (UTC), "Winters_Lackey"
>> > wrote:
>>>"Cheri" > wrote in
>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> "Travis McGee" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>>I have been trying a new sweetener - Swerve. I was looking for
>>>>>>low-carb recipes, and came across one that called for this. I
>>>>>>looked it up on the net, and ordered a pound.
>>>>>> It tastes as good as any no-calorie sweetener that I've tried, and
>>>>>> it has a few advantages over the others. It looks a lot like
>>>>>> sugar; it's actually granulated like sugar, and dissolves much
>>>>>> like sugar. It supposedly shares some other attributes with sugar,
>>>>>> such as the ability to brown, and it's supposed to hold up well in
>>>>>> baking, although I haven't tried either attribute yet. It has no
>>>>>> bitter aftertaste that I can tell.
>>>>>> One offputting quality is that it absorbs heat when it dissolves,
>>>>>> which means that if you use it undissolved, such as just eating a
>>>>>> pinch from the container, you will notice a distinct cooling
>>>>>> sensation. This is not a problem if you eat it after it is
>>>>>> dissolved in something. It's also not cheap, as you can imagine.
>>>>>> The SO, who is on the low-carb diet, likes it, although she didn't
>>>>>> care for the cooling effect. I hope to try cooking with it,
>>>>>> perhaps even some baking if I can find some good low-carb baking
>>>>>> recipes.
>>>>> I can't stand the cooling effect either. I just eat the real thing
>>>>> when I want something sweet. Just not much of whatever it is.
>>>It has no cooling effect if already dissolved in, say, lemonade. An
>>>erythritol/sucralose blend is the best calorie free sweetener for
>>>> At 5g a tsp, it's not really very low carb either.
>>>> Cheri
>>>Erythritol is the one sugar alcohol that is truly carb free, and
>>>basically calorie free. It is only listed as a carbohydrate because
>>>the labeling rules are stupid. Seriously. I know this stuff.

>> Yeah, because you aced your college freshman Chemistry class like I
>> did and have several college degrees like I do, right?
>> Uhhh, NO! You have Google!

>I have PubMed, and know how to interpret the studies. You also have
>access to PubMed, and know how to read scholarly articles. If you'd
>bothered to look, you would support my statement. Is your dislike of me
>more important to you than the facts? That's not a rhetorcal question.
>> John Kuthe...

My point is that while I fit many of the diagnostic criteria for
Bipolar Disorder, one I do NOT fit is doing poorly in school or
failing to achieve any noteworthy educational landmarks, like good
grades AND official degrees, of which I have 3 and YOU have none!

Have you gotten therapy fior your mental disorder? Because you need
it, and it seems to me that you may have.

My $1000 two day nursing job got postponed. What do YOU have that can
earn you $1000 in two days? Nothing, right? That's because you're
still going the same thing you were when we were teenagers, you're a
janitor with NO college degrees.

John Kuthe...