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Default NBS/Char Broil Silver fire control question.

Jesse Skeens wrote:
>> Jesse Skeens wrote:
>>> So I'm going to try smoking in my Char Broil Silver for the first
>>> time
>>> tomorrow. Copied and saved the "Easy Offset" guide from a little
>>> while ago. But any other advice on how I need to keep my heat under
>>> control? I see people mention needing to add fuel pretty frequently
>>> but how much are we talking about? A few chunks here and there or
>>> what? Just doing some chicken and ribs so hopefully can't mess them
>>> up too bad.

> Sorry, lump along with some hickory chunks for smoke.

I assume lump like B&B or something with pretty regular smallish chunks

All this works pretty much on my offset, YMMV.

Well, if you want to make it easier on yourself, try and plan to cook at
275-225 with some spikes going over and under that. I tend to start out with
a hot fire to get a good bed of coals and get the cooker hot, takes my
cooker about 20-30 minutes to get fully up to temp, So I'll usually add some
lump to the starting pile when I add the cold meat on. The larger pile will
last longer, but get hotter. And the new coal starting up puts off some nice
smoke. That'll heat up and wait until it gets down to around 230-240ish
then replenish with one or two double handfulls (depending on coal bed size)
.. Temps'll go down for a bit before climbing again. You can get extra time
out of your pile by putting the chunks on towards the end of the cycle. Big
wood chunks can put off a lot of heat.
If you have the time and inclination you can add smaller loads more often
too. This would be to keep the temps closer to the 240-250 region. Or mix
and match, dont want to have to look for a bit, add a larger amount, got
time, add smaller bits. Scientific eh? Most of this is with the intake open
about 1" and the exhaust full open.

Course, some days none of this works picture perfect for some damn reason.
You got a flat'ish fireplace shovel to scrape out excess ash from under the
firegrate? Shouldnt need it on a 5-6 hour cook, but shit happens.

If you want a steadier lower temp it takes a smaller load of fuel and
therefore more tending. But sometimes just grabbing a book, sipping a
beverage on a Sunday while tending the perfect BBQ fire is just what the
doctor ordered. Those WSM folks miss out on this, having to do honey-do's
and whatnot. Poor bassards.

Good luck, good eats.