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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default Ping: Ophelia (slow cooker)

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 13 May 2014 11:05:43 +0100, "Ophelia"
> > wrote:
>> I am using both my slow cooker and pressure cooker more and more. Today,
>> I
>> will be painting our shed so I put a piece of gammon in the slow cooker.
>> Great that it won't need any attention) The PC will come into play for
>> the veggies when I am ready to make dinner)

> Oh, man - be careful I can't imagine cooking vegetables that I'd want
> to eat later in a pressure cooker after my two fiascos with dried
> beans. Soup, yes - whole beans (or vegetables for that matter) with a
> little "bite" left to them, no.

As it happens I didn't cook any veg (except new potatoes ... but I do cook
my veg in it. The day was very warm and sunny so I made a salad.

BUT it works fine, You have to be very careful about timing! For
example - broccoli takes exactly TWO minutes after it comes up to pressure
and you must depressurise it FAST! I stick my cooker in a sink of cold
I am doing a lot of my veg in it now and it works good, so long as you do
take care or you will end up with mush.

I don't know about how it works in other pressure cookers though, I can only
talk about my Prestige.

> Just signed up for a new cooking blog that is all about pressure
> cooking. Hers is an electric pressure cooker and mine is a stovetop
> model, so I hope they are close enough.

I don't know. I bought a Tefal once and it was rubbish. Anyway I am very
pleased to get my old one back.

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