Good haul at Costco!
Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2014-05-13 11:08 AM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>>> Nobody in this house likes a steak that has cooked for a few minutes.
>>> And you don't understand! When one person here wants food, he wants it
>>> immediately. 2 minutes in the microwave is too long to wait.
>> That's spouse abuse!
> If it's true. Don't forget that she has said that she buys meat and
> cooks it right away. Heck, her inane ways are hard enough to deal with
> here. I can't imagine what she is like in real life. Her husband
> probably has the patience of a saint or else he would have packed up and
> left a long time ago. She gets similar abuse from her daughter, and
> since the husband was away at work so much she would be the result of
> Julie's modelling.
congratulations, Julie, on the explosion of attention
what's the procedure for proposing a new group?
my suggestion is