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Malcom \Mal\ Reynolds Malcom \Mal\ Reynolds is offline
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Default Good haul at Costco!

In article >,
"Julie Bove" > wrote:

> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
> > I doubt even the most experienced short-order cook with a constantly hot
> > griddle and grill, everything prepped and ready, could satisfy this meal
> > in 2 minutes idea.
> >
> > Might make for an interesting TV show.

> They couldn't. And things went a lot better for me when I had a set meal
> schedule. Used to be that dinner was at 6:00 when I was home. I wasn't
> always home then due to dance, but when I was, that was meal time. But his
> schedule now is such that he is either leaving work or arriving at that
> hour.

I thought you said he can't leave the house?

So does not work for me on the meal front. Today he wanted the
> dinner at 2:00 so it was a darned good thing that food was ready.
> He grew up in a house where there was always a fridge stuffed full of
> leftovers. I did not. We rarely had leftovers. I don't personally like
> leftovers although I do sometimes have planned ones. Like cooking double
> the amount of something for a next day's meal when I know I won't have time
> to cook. Or cooking extra meat and veg to be used in soup or some such
> thing. Or even the meatloaves for the freezer.
> One big reason I don't like leftovers is that there is the potential that
> they won't get eaten. I know I won't usually eat them. There is also the
> potential that they will lead to over eating. Not by me but by someone else
> who likes to stand in front of the fridge, door open, grazing on cold food
> that most people would heat up. Like picking up a steak and eating it cold,
> from hands. Not gonna say who that is. Don't think I have to. Bah!
> My friend and I were talking about this a few weeks ago. It's so much
> easier on the food front when you live alone! Sure, things like a really
> good salad can be hard to pull off for one, merely because of the amount of
> vegetables you have to buy. You could potentially have a lot of food waste
> there or be forced to make something like soup so as not to waste them. And
> you won't be able to take advantage of family pack meats and such unless you
> don't mind eating the same thing over and over. Me? I would make a pot of
> chili and eat chili all week or until it was gone. Not all the time mind
> you. I could just as easily make some pasta or a tostada. Something for
> one.
> But add in other people with differing food tastes and then you can have
> potential problems.