"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 5/13/2014 3:48 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "Yellow" > wrote in message
>> T...
>>> I mean there really is no such thing as a "British Accent". It simply
>>> does not exist and no one from the UK would ever ever describe their
>>> accent as "British". But when someone English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh/
>>> Australian appears in an American Sitcom they always say "I love your
>>> British accent".
>> This is true and accents here can change drastically within a few miles.
>> There really is no such thing as a 'British' accent.
> There's no such thing as an 'American' accent, either. There are too many
> dialects (in the UK and the US) for there to be any one accent.
Oh I do believe you. I do think it is more pronounced here though because
we are so much smaller. Where I live one dialect is used and 10 miles down
the road it is different. That is common throughout Britain.