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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default Good haul at Costco!

On Tue, 13 May 2014 23:38:49 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>"Jeßus" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Tue, 13 May 2014 17:57:49 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>>>This is true. As I have said many, many times. My mom was a counselor.
>>>All these people psychoanalyzing me is rather funny in a sick and pathetic
>>>sort of way. But apparently it is what they like to do.

>> Why does it only happen to you and nobody else here on rfc?

>It doesn't happen to only me! Apparently you have missed all of the John
>and Bryan crap. And the attacks on sf and other people here.

Not the same thing at all. We are talking about the constantly
evolving story about your family, the endless contradictions, the
ridiculous scenarios and your response to the same. I don't see that
happening to anybody else here.

>Perhaps my problem is that I feel compelled to answer you people. And I am
>answering honestly as though you are all normal people. And yet? Clearly a
>lot of you are not normal people. Because normal people wouldn't be saying
>the sorts of things that a lot of you do.

Industrial-grade irony there. Well, more like yet more bait to keep
the game rolling...