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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Ppl buying more good food.

"notbob" > wrote in message
> That's twice, now, I've gone down to the mkt and found they are sold
> out of a certain organic food. Last week it was organic chicken
> breasts and today it was grass fed hamburger. Yes, it cost much more,
> but it's flying off the shelves. The meat mgr sez they can't get it
> fast enough. Which is a surprise, as they didn't even carry grass fed
> beef 6 mos ago. Safeway is now carrying grass fed rib-eyes. Gotta
> try those. Also, I'm seeing organic produce dropping in price and
> getting to be only a tad more than the tasteless agribiz bunk.
> Give organic a try. Not always better, but more often than not, it
> has flavor you've not tasted in yrs, regardless of how sad it may
> look. I jes bought some organic cabbage. Small and ugly heads, but
> I'm hoping it doesn't have the horrid chemical taste that last head of
> agribunk cabbage I steamed. I tossed it all. Yuk.
> nb

Organic is a big thing here. So much so that most stores have been carrying
it for years. I do try to buy organic meats, grass fed beef, etc. most of
the time.

I did used to buy organic produce all of the time but... I stopped! Now I
may or may not buy organic. Why? Because I realized that despite someone
taking care not to use chemicals on their crops, those chemicals are in the
air and water. So they're going to get in there anyway. At least some of
them are. And if it's something you'd peel like a banana, the fruit is fine
even if not organic.

When I got organic CSA boxes all the time, there was often cabbage in there.
But it was so bitter that we couldn't eat it. The celery was sometimes
inedible too.