Thread: I ate a pear!
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default I ate a pear!

Or tried to. Not a pleasant experience. Not sure they are ripe. The did
soften slightly but are still rather hard. Biting into one leaves me with
that sort of chalky experience in the mouth that you get when you eat Tums.
They are neither sweet nor sour nor do they have much flavor at all. I see
online that if they are Forelle then they should have a slight cinnamon
taste. But these do not. They're just sort of texture in the mouth and not
a good texture at that. I can't really taste anything of the flesh but the
peel does have a slight taste. Not necessarily a good taste. Perhaps a
tiny bit bitter. And the flesh goes brown almost immediately once I take a

Will try them again when more ripe. Perhaps in a day. Will for sure look
at Costco to see if I can come up with a name for them. At this point they
look far better than they taste.

Oh and I looked at Albertsons. They had Bartlett, two kinds of Anjou and
Comice. But not these.