Thread: I ate a pear!
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default I ate a pear!

"Jeßus" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 15 May 2014 18:45:52 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>>Or tried to. Not a pleasant experience.

> Are you seriously saying you've never had a pear before?

Of course I've had pears! Just not this kind.
>>Not sure they are ripe. The did
>>soften slightly but are still rather hard. Biting into one leaves me with
>>that sort of chalky experience in the mouth that you get when you eat
>>They are neither sweet nor sour nor do they have much flavor at all. I
>>online that if they are Forelle then they should have a slight cinnamon
>>taste. But these do not. They're just sort of texture in the mouth and
>>a good texture at that. I can't really taste anything of the flesh but
>>peel does have a slight taste. Not necessarily a good taste. Perhaps a
>>tiny bit bitter. And the flesh goes brown almost immediately once I take
>>Will try them again when more ripe. Perhaps in a day. Will for sure look
>>at Costco to see if I can come up with a name for them. At this point
>>look far better than they taste.
>>Oh and I looked at Albertsons. They had Bartlett, two kinds of Anjou and
>>Comice. But not these.

> *If* this is all genuine, I'm stunned that you are still alive and
> have managed to fend for yourself. I've never met anybody like you in
> real life, not even close.
