Ceylon FPEK?
In article > (Sat, 31 Jul
2004 06:59:53 -0700), Space Cowboy wrote:
> There is a Ceylon trademark making it authentic. Otherwise just shipped
> and packaged in Ceylon.
Are you saying companies without the "seal of authenticity" are importing
tea to Sri Lanka just to package and export?
> But I did get my first Iranian tea called Nemooneh. It says Produced
> and Packaged in Iran so I guess that means homegrown at the outrageous
> price of $4.50/500g.
But, is it good? I finally found one (1) local shop that carries Ceylon
tea. It's Alwazah (Swan) brand and it's acceptable at $4.29/500g; it's
not nearly as good as some other I've had at $5.99 but nobody here carries