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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default soda stream domahickey - NSOT

"Sky" > wrote in message
> I've always liked 'soda' (carbonated) water. I recently purchased a
> "sodastream" machine and I have to say it's the best thing next to sliced
> bread - heheheh !!!! There was a 'sale' at BB&B, and I was able to use
> a 20%-off coupon - so I basically paid $60 for a 'unit'.
> SodaStream "Genesis" at $99 - with 20%-off coupon - then 20% off $80 -
> with mail-in rebate! Included 2 (two) 1-liter bottles - and a CO2 canister
> that's good (supposedly???) for 60 liters. Don't know about that yet.
> Exchange for the (so-called) 60-liter CO2 canister (it's not a
> "cartridge") is $14.99 - if the prices haven't changed in the past week or
> so .. . Its sort of a half size of a KIDDE home extinguisher - for
> description size - HTH.
> Sky, who's a happy camper and likes carbonated/seltzered water
> Er, $99 with $20 rebate - but before that was a 20%-off coupon - do the
> math hhehehe

You canb convert the unit very easily to take a standard CO2 bottle which
will last much longer than those little cartridges. CO2 gas is dirt cheap.
One bottle can carbonate over 5000 glasses of water. In fact you don't even
need the SS, you can do it yourself with off the shelf components.

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