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Winters_Lackey Winters_Lackey is offline
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Default Cooking With Cannabis Flour

Booz > wrote in news:f000177b-f76c-4e84-8154-

> Cooking With Cannabis Flour

You can buy hemp seed flour, which tastes like cannabis seed flour. I
find it very bad tasting, and the fatty acid profile is bad. Way heavy
in omega-6.
> Is it legal? Where can I legally buy it?

Cannabis anything is pretty much illegal. I'm glad that's changing, but
pot seeds don't taste good raw, and become worse tasting with cooking.

I love the smell and even taste of raw marijuana, but in order to get
high from it, it must be decarboxylated, usually by heating, but cooked
pot tastes horrible. I was a serious pothead ages 13-16, but since then
I have only used it sporadically. Most of the time since then, it just
felt icky. I never smoke weed anymore, and not because of the stupid
****ing laws, but because I don't like the way that it makes me feel. I
wish that I still enjoyed cannabis, and not alcohol, but it is the
reverse, somewhat to the detriment of my health.

I am very pro-legalization, and always send out happy 4/20 wishes to
those who enjoy its effects. I also support legalization of opium
poppies and perhaps even raw coca leaf, though I don't want to see
cocaine legalized unless they can compound it in such a way as to make
it available as a topical anesthetic that is impossible to use as a drug
without purifying it, and limiting its sale the way they do with
pseudoephedrine in many states.

I believe that people have a right to recreational drugs that do not
threaten public health. Amphetatmines and purified cocaine theaten
public health. LSD is dangerous as well, and while I'm not sorry for my
acid use early in my life, the tragedies of folks being slipped LSD make
me think that it should be at least tightly controlled, if not outright
banned. Shrooms and peyote buds? I have no problem with those, but
purified psylocybin and mescaline should not be allowed to be sold.

Drugs are not immoral, and prohibition should never be based on
morality, but upon public health. Amphetamines destroy people's lives,
and purified coca isn't that far behind. Even heroin is nothing in
comparison to those two. Junkies who have economic resources can be
functional. Meth addicts are dangerous, and crack users become
zombified. Even hardcore powdered coke users become shadows, and unlike
junkies, the damage is permanent.

Truthfully, the only drug that I've ever really abused is the legal one,
alcohol, and I haven't taken a shot of 80 proof for more than 15 years.
I understand the dangers of drug abuse, but drug prohibition is,in
itself, dangerous. Criminalizing soft drugs is a waste of resources,
and the "War on Drugs" has been a colossal failure. If those resources
had been directed toward reducing poverty, and its accompanying despair,
we'd have less drug abuse, and less criminality. The owners of privae
prisons are the enemy. They succesfully lobby for the *right* to
destroy the lives of persons, most often Black males.

Howevernuch drug abuse is a sickness, the Jim Crow prison paradigm is
far worse.


"Happy ****ing 'new years' that was when me and my father
had to identify her dead mud covered body they pulled from
the family car she'd driven into the Mississippi river!"
--John Kuthe in, 3-7-2014