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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default You must try this recipe!

On Sat, 17 May 2014 21:59:55 +0100, "Ophelia"
> wrote:

>"Jeßus" > wrote in message
.. .
>> If they're they green beans I'm thinking of, I'm not very partial to
>> them myself, although I can still eat them. I do like the idea behind
>> this recipe though and will try it some day.

>Are you thinking of green/french/runner type beans? If so, I am with you on

Yes, I think so. I'm thinking of these guys:
They are more commonly found in Aus as either frozen or tinned,
although in some areas they can be found fresh.

>To make them palatable, I toss in butter and a little very good
>balsamic vinegar. It makes a big difference - to me.

Thanks! I'll try that one day whenever I can get my hands on some

>>>Odd thing is, it is a cold salad which you want to eat when it is hot out
>>>but the last thing you'd want to do is roast on a hot day. Not sure how
>>>solve that one.

>> Something like this is okay for roasting on hot days:

>Never fancied one of those. I see the heat comes only from the top? Is
>that right? It is also a very large bit of kit for what it is.

I never used one myself to be honest, but a g/f of mine did have one
(not the same brand) and used it a *lot*. I must say the roasts did
come out quite good - both meat and veggies. If you didn't have an
oven, one of these would be a viable alternative for small roasts etc.
I have no real need for one myself, I just thought it would be a
solution to baking/roasting in hot weather.