Thread: Honey powder
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Honey powder

"Travis McGee" > wrote in message
>I was tuning around eBay, looking for a honey. I came across a number of
>offerings for "honey powder". What exactly is this? If reconstituted, is it
>comparable to the real deal? Are there any common uses for it as a powder?
> It looks like it might be useful for things like backpacking.

I am sure I will get a lot of flack for this but... Back in the 1980's, I
purchased a sex toy/aid/whatever you want to call it called Kama Sutra
powder. It was actually edible honey powder. I can't remember where I
purchased it now or why since I dislike the taste of honey and I am also
allergic to feathers. The applicator for it was a little feather duster.
The idea was to dust it on the other person and then lick it off. Turned
out that it wasn't really for me although my BF at the time thought it was a
tad novel.

However, a quick search online says that it is suitable for long term
storage type food. Actually *any* honey is suitable for that since from
what I have read about it, it never goes bad. Might get crystals in it but
heating it will melt them.