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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default You must try this recipe!

On 2014-05-18 5:15 PM, James Silverton wrote:

>> Sometimes I steam it and puree it with the wand thingie, adding butter,
>> cream, salt and white pepper and a dash of freshly grated nutmeg.

> It just shows how relevant is "to each their own". Cauliflower always
> has been one of my favorite vegetables but I have no enthusiasm for
> broccoli.

Well there you go. I am almost the opposite. I really really like to
cauliflower if I have not had it for a while. I know it may sound
strange, but I have not had it for a while and there are few things as
good as nice, fresh, steamed cauliflower, but don't even thing of having
it again for a month. Broccoli OTOH, I could eat almost every day. When
my son was young it was his favourite vegetable. He would always eat his
broccoli first.

Eaten cooked but cold with French dressing and Beef Paprikash,
> it's tolerable.