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Janet Wilder[_4_] Janet Wilder[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 2,459
Default Another good shopping day.

On 5/18/2014 4:36 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2014-05-18 5:13 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> On 5/18/2014 3:26 PM, Jeßus wrote:
>>>>> You're assuming I want her to stop
>>>> I bet you carry a lawn chair and a refreshment cooler in your car in
>>>> case
>>>> you come across a train wreck. ;-)
>>> No... not quite

>> Two posts and I'm still sitting on my hands about the term "train wreck"
>> I won't respond. I won't respond.....

> People will line up to watch a demolition. There have been
> documentaries and TV programs about buildings being brought down with
> explosives. People go to car races to watch spectacular crashes They
> watch hockey games to see the fights and pay a lot of money to watch
> boxers beat the crap out of each other.
> Julie is providing the spectacle of this ongoing train wreck. She has
> had every opportunity to back off, but she keeps piling it on.

Someone else sees the analogy.

Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.

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