Thread: New grill
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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default New grill

My old grill (i've posted about it and got some advice from you guys
that I tried to take) was given to my neighbors to try to fix. It seems
it may need new burners and I bought them, but couldn't get the screws
loose from the old burners so I gave up. My neighbors are free to try
whatever it takes to remove the screws, and I gave them the new burners.

My new grill is a Char-Broil that says "tru infrared". I have to
explore that part more as I only got it put together today and I've only
burned it long enough to burn off the manufacturing stuff. it burns
really HOT. I'm going to love this grill for searing, and I can even
burn one burner and have indirect heat when I want it. Wood chips
should be good in it too as it closes tighter than my old one.

It sure was a bitch to put together as the manual had only pictures.
What ever happened to text to help you in the instructions?

I was torn between a grill that had a gas side and a charcoal side. The
infrared sold me on this one.
