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Winters_Lackey Winters_Lackey is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 430
Default Another good shopping day.

John Kuthe > wrote in

<snipped a bunch of bullshit

> Please seek treatment, Bryan! It COULD do you some good!

Please quit harassing me. Oh, I went by Forest Park CC today to consult
with a member of the nursing faculty, 4th floor of C Tower, but it is
the week in between Spring and Interim. There will be someone in next
week. You are committing misconduct by diagnosing over the internet,
and sharing that diagnosis publicly--that, put together with your other
flaws, your public comments about getting sexual kicks from nursing,
your drug comments, your compulsive, repetive behavoir and lack of
judgement. Your sexual exploitation of a child might be decades in the
past, but the other is not. There is the remote possibility that your
license could be revoked, somewhat more likely, suspended, but I think
it's pretty certain that at least you'll be warned and told to desist
from giving medical opinions--especially ones pertaining to mental
illness--over the internet, and told not to use your status as a
practicing BSN nurse in Missouri to harass and libel.

The investigation will be another black spot on your career. John, it
kind of sickens me to do this to a working class person, even you, but
you have committed misconduct and I'm the victim. Plus, there are other
reasons why this line of work doesn't suit you. Again, the only reason
I've waited this long was because I hate the idea of ****ing with
anyone's livlihood, but you've practically dared me to do this, another
sign of your arrogance and lack of self-control.

A job like nursing, where you have intimate interactions, does not
merely require intelligence and education, which you have in trumps, and
skills, which I have little doubt that you possess. It requires
character and judgement. Why should a person who has been so sloppy on
the internet, to the point of being kicked out of one nursing program
for sharing his opinion on the mental health of a patient in clinicals,
then continuing to use his nursing credentials to diagnose mental
illness, and posting that opinion for the whole world to see, be trusted
with patient privacy?

If the powers that be do a thorough investigation, I have no doubt that
they'll be horrified by my cruelty, and they'll think that I'm a real
asshole, but that is not germane. I am not answerable to the folks who
regulate nursing in our state, you are. As you've often reminded me,
I'm just a janitor.

Usenet is a rough place, the real free-for-all, not for the weak of
constitution section of the internet, but you crossed a line when you
injected your credentials as a licensed allied health professional into

I'm not going to be cruel to you anymore online. It didn't work, but I
had to give it a shot before taking this step. If I were truly
narcissistic, I'd get some joy out of your being so obsessed with me
that you'd ruin your life to try to win back a friendship that has been
shallow and sporadic for 20+ years, with a person who has been about as
distasteful as anyone could have been. Perhaps you are shooting for
being declared disabled, unemployable, and I've just been a pawn, and
you'll feel that you've gotten even with me by wasting so much of my
time helping you. That would almost be funny.
> John Kuthe...
