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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default YUM!!! I just made another best Baked Beans EVAH!!

On Tue, 20 May 2014 06:43:33 -0700 (PDT), "
> wrote:

>On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:31:15 AM UTC-5, John Kuthe wrote:
>> I used 4 whole
>> bags of dried beans (black, large red kidney, garbonzos and black eyed
>> peas) and 4 large red onions! Uusally I use 3.5 bags of beans and 3
>> large red onions.
>> John Kuthe...

>Although I am not a fan of your choices of beans to make baked beans, what else did you add besides red onions?

OK, here's my non-reciope (cause it's not written down, I just wing

3.5 bags of dried beans, rinsed and soaked in plain water for 8-20
hours (then rinse again!)

Cover with inch or more fresh water and boil for 10-30mins until
tender (your preference) Strain in big colander once more and return
to cook pot, cover 1/2 inch with fresh water.

While the beans are cooking (or before) I chop 3 big red onions and
1/2 to full head of garlic.

Brown 4 or 5 strips of thick cut bacon for grease, set bacon aside
ansd try not to eat! Then dump the chopped onions and garlic in, cook
almost to brown-ish barely (maybe not at all), stirring while cooking
and grind fresh black pepper on them once early in the cool becaose
it' delicious!

Now back to the beans, for the cook: Add 1 small (or I've been using
3/4+ish of a 12oz can of tomato paste, 5 beef boulion cubes, couple of
tsp ground black pepper, couple of tsps paprika, some cayenne, 1/4cup+
of brown sugar, shot of molasses, 6 or so bay leaves and mix. Add the
cooked a little onions anxd finally crumble the bacon into it if you
haven't eaten the bacon already! Cook 1/2 to 12 hours on low heat,
barely bubbling. Longer cook time I discovered accidentaly when I left
the gas flame on low all night long (saw the faint blue glow in the AM
and tholhgh I'd ruined them, but they were actually VERY good just the
beaans were softer than I like them.)

John Kuthe...