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Default The EU doesn't like American cheese.

On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 16:12:14 UTC-7, ImStillMags wrote:
> As part of trade talks, the European Union wants to ban the use of European names like Parmesan, feta and Gorgonzola on cheese made in the United States, saying it doesn't measure up to their versions from which the names originat
> well, they are correct, it's not as good....but what would we call it???

The Europeans are totally correct when it comes to protecting their domain names for Cheeses. Only in North America would you have a F*^ING Kraft container telling you that is a Parmesan, Disgraceful!

You want real Parmesan! well then bloody well buy the real mccoy. Everything else is Hard Cheese or Grating Cheese.

PS It is really disingenuous for Sartori cheese to say that their "parmesan" won 2014 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CHEESE CONTEST... there were no Italian competitors!! And their Brand "SarVecchio" is cutsey way around "Parmigiano Reggiano Stravecchio" If there cheese is good, and we can assume it is, then it has to stand on it's own without using "Parmesan" in it's name. It could brand itself as "Wisconsan"