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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default [OT] New respect for cats

On Wed, 21 May 2014 06:59:28 -0300, wrote:

>On Wed, 21 May 2014 13:26:23 +1000, Jeßus > wrote:
>>Any kind of personality trait you can name - some cats will have it. I
>>had dinner at a friends place last night (pork belly, yum) and they
>>have... well, I'm not sure - lots of cats anyway. One of them, Elle,
>>is as friendly and loving as you can get - yet she disappears for
>>months on end, preferring to live in the wild. Then, she'll just turn
>>up again months later, right on feed time, like nothing has happened.
>>She's been doing this for years. And no, she doesnt have another home
>>to go to, that would have come to light by now if that was the case as
>>there are so few people living in the region.

>Could it be she goes off to have a litter, raises them, then come
>home? Certainly very different behaviour.

There's a thought. I'm fairly sure Elle would have been desexed, but
I'll find out.